Phone Doodles

So while I work on making a more ...particular... blog post I thought this might be fun to share!

These are all drawings I created using only my finger, my five inch 'Galaxy S5' phone, the app called 'Autodesk Sketchbook' and many separate moments of boredom!

As well as that I was thinking it might be fun to give my mobile masterpieces appropriate names!

Dan the Duck Man
Dan the Duck Man
First up is the Duck Man called Dan! What can I say I like applying alliteration...

All of these drawings were spurred on by a thought or tool that I wanted to spontaneously try out. My prep never went any further then that. In this case I decided to go with the flow and embrace the device I was using. Considering that I was using a five inch screen and my finger, I came to terms with the fact that I wasn't going to be very accurate with my brush strokes. So I started a style to make the most out of what phones tend to do best, swiping. After all the curvy contours I wound up with a duck shaped man. I guess that's the best part about doing these, the surprises you get as you go along!

Symmetrical Sam the Samurai Sales Man
Symmetrical Sam the Samurai Sales Man 
Next up is the Symmetrical Samurai Sales Man known as Sam!

You might have guessed that I found the symmetry tool on the app. That's all I have to say about this really.

I'll call this one ... 'Conor'. With only one 'n'. Mostly because I drew this during a family trip and based it off of my cousin Conor who sat beside me in the car. I was going to say that this is not what he looks like and that I extremely exaggerated his features but... you know, family banter!
I also thought maybe the alliteration was becoming something no longer applicable for applaud, alas...

Think & Thought
Think & Thought are two Super Mutants that I was inspired to draw by the Fallout franchise. Super Mutants can be quite ...simple at times. They often name themselves and each other after the traits they like most or find most distinguishing, e.g 'Strong' or  'Dead Eye' who is blind.
Thus, 'Think' who thinks and 'Thought' who... thoughts...?...

And yes, those are in fact quotes from random Super Mutant conversations in Fallout 3.

Experiment Code : WIC

Experiment Code : WIC
Ah Experiment Code : WIC. So named because ...I couldn't think of a name. I mean look at him! He gives you barley anything to work with. The artist should be ashamed...
...So I drew this character for the sole purpose of experimenting with facial structures. Fun fact, that is the exact expression I had when I was trying to name this drawing.

Also, 'WIC' stands for 'Who Is Counting'.

Well... it's me init'?
This is a self portrait and it was the only drawing out of the lot that I had a reference for (besides 'Conor', but somebody kept moving so that doesn't count). When I did this I was and still am a tad bit obsessed with angry expressions. I'm not sure why. Maybe its the level of detail that comes from the muscles tightening, or maybe it is the power of that emotion itself. Never the less, that is a topic for another blog!..

In Conclusion...

If you like drawing but some times its just a bit too awkward to free up a table or turn on your computer then I'd say use your phone! I think you might be surprised with what you can do. It encourages a different mentality, I find. Kinda like when you are in a life drawing class and you only have five minutes or even thirty seconds to capture a pose. Work fast and free!

If you open a similar app with the knowledge that you will be no where near as accurate as you could be with a pencil or a Wacom pen, then it will be a lot of fun!
Go with the flow, switch your brain off a bit and relax. It is doodling for fun because that is all you can really do with it practically! Embrace the fun!

Most of my drawings in this blog were done on busses traversing Ireland's bumpy back roads and I'm actually pretty happy with them!
When you can do it on your phone you'll be taking the means to make something everywhere. So maybe next time you have 5 or 10 minutes to spare, scribble instead of scrolling on Facebook!

We shall 'shlaters',