Being Rich In Games Isn't Fun Because Reality...

So the following is just a random train of thought. There's no real end goal to this blog, but I'd be curious to hear your thoughts if this spurs any! Either way, welcome to today's ramblings, you may be seated.

Okay so maybe fun isn't the right word. 'Satisfying' might hit the mark better. It isn't very satisfying to be rich in any game that I know of. That's why I avoid naming my avatars after me... ba-dum-bum-chh...  (By the way, I'm Richard, hi, nice to meet you!..)

The journey of becoming wealthy in a game is fun. It can be really rewarding to start off without even a pocket to hold your dreams in and eventually stop, turn around in your Mega Ultimate Dragon Vengeance MKIII Predator Armour Of Doom with a bottomless backpack of coin and realise just how much you have progressed.
It's a fantastic feeling! However, there is a reason why you don't just start off like that... it quickly gets boring...

Deviant Art - Skyrim : Treasures of Draco #2

There is a turn of phrase that floats around storytellers, 'is this the most interesting part of your character's life, and if not, why aren't you telling that!'.

There is a reason that it's left to the End Game phase. Sure, some people adore switching on "God Mode" and typing in commands to spawn so much gold that it should realistically meld together under the sheer weight of it all. I would believe that the people who do that enjoy it because it is defying the expectation of the game. Sooner or later, a player in the End Game phase will move onto the next game or start a new save from scratch.

There is, of course, nothing wrong with any of this. I just thought it was interesting.

I'm curious to see if there is any game that tries to make being rich a core mechanic and also fun. It is a fascinating design challenge and I'd like to see if anyone else thought so too. Perhaps some day I will look into it myself. It would be difficult, after all, money doesn't buy you happiness...
Maybe if you had unlimited resources but the challenge was to utilise your resources as fast as possible?

I do know of game modes within games like that but - well - I 'dyneo, maybe this blog is the result of my brain is getting soft from the summer heat... ramble ramble, babble babble...

We shall 'shlaters',

Blog Notes :

The thumbnail was created using a Fable 3 promotional screenshot.

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