Only Light Years Away Now | GDJ

Captains Log...
I have made much progress with the core functions of my game...
The Player now has a circle collider instead of a box collider. Originally I allowed the player to rotate to fit the curve of a slope. The idea being that it will allow the character to look like its walking up the slope.
I'm using the simple solution now. I've locked the rotation of the character so it won't fall over and because of the circle collider the player has stopped getting caught on uneven ground. This allowed me to get rid of a bunch of unnecessary and convoluted code too, but I will have to make it so the player swaps into a hill walking animation when it comes in contact with a slope.
I've fixed the jumping anomalies that allow you to double jump or suddenly stop you from jumping at all.
I've fix up the Tether boundaries. All landers have them now and the player is marked as safe.
I have implemented a timer that counts down (indicating the player's oxygen supply) which stops and restarts when the player is Tethered, and if the timer reaches zero the player is dead. This countdown is most likely going to be invisible to the player, as I have other plans for informing the player on their oxygen supply. However I will be leaving it in for now for testing purposes, I've even added a space-y looking font to it!

It was tricky trying to get it to stop displaying a minus symbol on front of it but its okay! Nobody panic, I fixed it, its all good now!
The Player can no longer stick to the invisible game boundaries or on walls. I used a slippy physics material instead of (yet again, more...) complicated code. I was trying to implement a trigger box that, once entered, disables the ability to move right. This was made more complicated by the fact that my movement system doesn't specify left and right movements and instead clumps them into 'horizontal' movement. It's all good now, fear not! Simple solutions, my savoir.
Still on my to do list is... quite a lot actually. Animations are next and that is a slow process for me. I'm spending most of my time fighting the software, but hopefully I will have an update on those soon enough...
I have to create sound effects, particles and I must still create an AI too among other things. All while juggling my other college deadlines too.
Mere light years away now though!
We shall 'shlaters',
Blog Notes:

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